What Does Self-Care Actually Mean? + My Personal Definition

Self-care. We have all heard about it but do we actually know what it means? Merriam-Webster tells us that self-care means to “care for oneself.” While accurate, this doesn’t really tell us much. Oxford Dictionaries does a better job and tells us that self-care is “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s…

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Self-Care Strategy 5: The Noticing Game

As a child, I often had my “head in the clouds” and spent a lot of time daydreaming. This made it difficult for me to focus on and complete the practical tasks of everyday life. It often took me a long time to get things done because I would get easily distracted which drove my…

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Self-Care Strategy 4: Write or Talk it Out

I started keeping a diary when I was a kid and never grew out of the habit. My writing moved from a diary, to notebooks, to journals. To single sheets of paper, to word documents, to Pages (for my Mac users). These days I go back and forth between analog and digital journal keeping. I…

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Self-Care Strategy 3: Slow it Down!

Multi-tasking. We’ve all done it or at least tried to with varying degrees of success. Eating, while watching TV, while reading a book. Writing an email, while answering a call, while surfing the internet. If you’re a parent, you have an even more complicated job. Trying to balance the everyday tasks of managing a household,…

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Self-Care Strategy 2: Change Your Language

Do you ever feel like you have internal sound-track playing inside of your head? A voice that sometimes builds you up, but often feels like it’s tearing you down instead? This little voice is a chameleon. Sometimes it may sound like you. At other it may sound like your parents, relatives, friends or some other…

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Self-Care Strategy 1: Remember to Breathe

Have you ever taken a moment to stop and notice your breathing? If not, I invite you to pause now and see what you notice. Is your breath rapid and shallow or slow and deep? Does it stay in your throat or does it move into your chest and belly. Does your belly rise and…

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What is a Soulful Introvert?

Do you love but get exhausted by too much “people” time? Are you social and outgoing with your small circle of friends, but but get quiet or shy in large groups? Are you drawn to and energized by quiet, creative, solo activities? If so then you are probably a soulful introvert. A soulful introvert is…

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What is a Compassionate Woman?

Do you spend a lot of time thinking about or taking care of others? Do you experience a nagging sense of guilt when you think about doing something just for you? Do you often wonder if you are doing, being, or providing, enough? If so you’re probably a compassionate woman. A compassionate woman is many…

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My Word of Intention for 2019

This past weekend, a group of girlfriends and I shared our monthly call.  We’ve been gathering on the phone once-a-month to connect, share, and pray with each other for almost 20 years (which is bananas when I think about how long its been!).  We’ve seen each other through so much and it’s truly been a…

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How I Began My Daily Writing Practice

Journal excerpt, Monday, July 2nd, 2018 (edited for readability) “I was talking to M last night for our weekly writing accountability check-in.  It’s been 3-weeks since we began meeting to talk about our writing.  I’ve noticed that my mindset is starting to shift.  I think about or incubate on writing daily.  More importantly, I’ve been…

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